Choose your characters race. Some races are region specific and may not be possible if that is not the setting for play.
The homeworld and region of your character will be either random, chosen, or assigned by the GM. It is not necessary to define a homeworld during character generation.
New Era Stellar Regions
If creating a New Era character decide on the Stellar Region your character comes from.
Some races are better or worse off in certain careers and so have career DM's for those careers.
-1 All rolls are one harder or, if this would make it impossible, can only be achieved every second time.
+1 All rolls are one easier, [-] always fails
To generate your characters attributes roll 3DF four times. Consult the table below and then assign the results to the attributes in any way you like.
+3 | SUPERB |
+2 | GREAT |
+1 | GOOD |
0 | FAIR |
-2 | POOR |
If the average of the attributes is less than FAIR, or the racial average, then increase any of them until the average is reached.
Once you've done this you may raise any attribute if another is lowered by twice the same amount.
Roll 4DF for starting number of Social Points.
Characters from the Imperium can receive noble ranks as their points rise.
At end of character generation final rank is taken as an Automatic Gift.
Social Points | Imperial Noble Rank | Other Settings |
-5 or less | Auto (F) Low Social Status | Auto (F) Low Social Status |
-4 to +4 | - | - |
5 | Knight (Sir/Dame) | Auto (G) Social Status |
6 | Baron(ess) | " |
7 | Marquis/Marchioness | Auto (G) High Social Status |
8 | Count(ess) | " |
9 | Duke/Duchess | " |
Choose a starting career whose requirements your character meets.
Roll 2D3 for the number of terms served. For each four year term go through the following steps.
If the career has a roll for commission and your character is not commissioned then roll for commission. If this roll is made then your character receives the lowest commissioned rank and now uses the commissioned category (if there is one) for skill selection in this career.
If the career has a chance of promotion then roll for promotion. If the roll is made then your character receives all bonuses listed in the career.
Roll to see if there is special duty or adventure this term. If the roll is made then gain a skill raise.
Write down any automatic Gifts or Faults, and then choose one of the career Gifts.
If any contacts are received then the type must be selected if the career does not specify.
Possible types are: Academic, Business, Criminal, Entertainment, Journalist, Law Enforcement, Medical, Military, Specialist (Many types), Trader, or Wealthy. Others types of contacts may be allowed by the GM.
If the character is in the Regency or Imperium roll 4DF. On [+][+] or better the contact is also a Noble.
Write down any ship DMs chosen. If there is a choice of type of ship then decide which type the DMs will be taken in.
Your character receives the income indicated for the career
Note down, and work through any other effects.
If this is the fourth or later term then ageing rolls must be made.
Consult the ageing table and roll 1DF for each attribute indicated. On [-] drop the attribute by one, or take a related fault.
If as a result of ageing an attribute is reduced below TERRIBLE then an ageing crisis has occurred. Roll 4dF for [+] or better to avoid death, with modifiers for medical skill of attending medics. If the roll is made then character generation ends with this term and D6 months of medical treatment is needed before the attribute is raised back to TERRIBLE and the character may go adventuring.
1-3 | 22,26,30 | - | - | - | - |
4-5 | 34,38 | - | Y | - | - |
6-7 | 42,46 | Y | Y | - | - |
8-11 | 50,54 | Y | Y | - | Y |
12+ | 58,62,etc | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Each term your character may attempt to locate a supply of anagathics (anti-ageing drugs). After spending the current (or closest) terms money attempting to find a supplier a roll on 4DF may be made. A result of [+][+] or better means a supply is found. The roll is subject to the following modifiers for region.
Regency/Imperium -1 per Social Point above 4
Old Expanses -3
Pocket Empire -4
Wilds -5
If the roll is successful your character may continue character generation without having to roll for continuation, and two of this terms ageing rolls may be ignored. The characters apparent age will remain at the current level and the accumulated terms of anagathic use increases by one.
If the roll is unsuccessful and your character wasn't already on anagathics then there is no effect. If your character was on anagathics the previous term then twice the number of ageing rolls must be made this term. Apparent age will however not begin advancing again until the next term.
If the accumulated terms of usage is 15 or more then a roll must be made on the side effects table.
2DF | Side Effect | DM on future rolls |
[-][-] | No effect | - |
[-] | Minor growths | - |
[ ] | Minor growths | +1 |
[+] | Major growths | +2 |
[+][+] | Major disfiguration | +3 |
[+][+][+] | Major disfiguration | +4 |
4[+] | Minor psychological effects | +6 |
5[+] | Moderate psychological effects | +8 |
6[+] | Major psychological effects | +10 |
7[+] | Psychopathic behaviour | +12 |
DM's: | +1 per term of usage beyond the 15th | |
-1 per level of Medical above POOR of attending medics. |
Look up the number of terms served on the table below. Your character receives the numbers, and levels, of skills as indicated. All of the career skills must be chosen, but the rest may any skills.
Choose the indicated number of skills at each level, all career skills must be chosen | |||||
2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | - | - |
3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - |
4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - |
5 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
6 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Now all the skill raises received during the career may be applied. Any of the skills already chosen maybe raised, or new skills may be raised from their default of poor. Only one skill may be raised to LEGENDARY, and no skills may be raised higher than LEGENDARY.
Artillery Weapons Bow Weapons Firearms |
Heavy Weapons Melee Weapons Spacecraft Gunnery |
Thrown Weapons Unarmed Combat |
Animals Artistic Athletics Computer Covert Craft Domestic |
Engineering Exploration Investigation Manipulation Medical Merchant Outdoor |
Science[specialty] Social Skills Spacecraft Ops[specialty] Spacecraft Engineering Technician Tactics Vehicle: Air, Ground or Water |
If your character has any starship DMs they may be:
Additional starship DMs may be purchased for Cr50,000. These are for generic ship types.
When the group has cashed in all the DMs that they want to, they then make one roll for initial ship type. The ship type column used is that of the highest number of single type DMs held by one player.
3dF | Scout | Trader | Yacht |
Labship | Warship |
3 [-] | Scout |
Scout | Modified Scout |
Modified Scout | Modified Scout |
2 [-] | " | Free Trader | Modified Free Trader |
Modified Free Trader | " |
[-] | " | " | " | " | Modified Free Trader |
[ ] | " | " | Modified Far Trader |
Modified Far Trader | Modified Far Trader |
[+] | " | Far Trader | " | " | Modified Fat Trader |
2 [+] | " | " | Yacht |
Lab Ship | Modified Liner |
3 [+] | " | " | " | " | Patrol Cruiser |
4 [+] | Modified Far Trader |
Fat Trader | " | " | Close Escort |
5 [+] | Survey Ship |
Liner | " | " | Mercenary Cruiser |
All ships start at 40 years mortgage (1/240th of ships price per month) and in TERRIBLE condition.
For each DM choose one of the following:
Your character receives one free Gift and must take one Fault, both of your choice. These are in addition to any gained from a career. You can look at the example lists for an idea of the type of things that can be Gifts or Faults then decide on your characters Gifts and Faults. All your gifts and Faults must be approved by the GM.
Look up your characters strength on the table below and then fill in the damage bonus on the character sheet. This bonus is for muscle powered weapons only.
Level | Damage Bonus |
POOR to FAIR | 0 |
GOOD | +1 |
GREAT | +2 |
SUPERB | +3 |
Your character starts with one fudge point and gains another at the end of every game session.
During the game you may spend fudge points to achieve an automatic +4 result on any action, or to modify events in the story, as long as the GM approves.
Your character starts with a modicum of equipment appropriate to their career and the setting.
Choose your characters beginning motivation and fill it in on the character sheet. A characters motivation can change during the course of a campaign.
To find which damage track to use for your character look up the average of STRENGTH and WILLPOWER (Round up) below and then fill in the damage track on the character sheet.
Scratch | Hurt | Very Hurt | Incapacitated |
Near Death |
Terrible |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4-5 | 6+ |
Poor |
1 | 2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7+ |
Mediocre |
1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-7 | 8+ |
Fair |
1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9+ |
Good |
1-3 | 4-5 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 10+ |
Great |
1-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 | 11+ |
Superb |
1-5 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 10-11 | 12+ |
Legendary |
1-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13+ |
Character generation should now be complete.
Flying hexapods who send most of their earnings back to their homeworld. They average 1.5m tall, 50kg and have good eyesight. They have an acute distrust of mercantile corporations. (BOTJ#4)
Region | Imperium |
Homeworld | Jaeyelya (B 484655 4) |
Attributes | -1 STR, (Average MED) |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | (G) Able to Fly
(G) Superior eyesight (F) Distrust of mercantile corporations (F) 90% of money is given to Planetary Development Fund |
Free Skills | - |
Careers | Standard
No Merchant Marine, Trader or Noble/Wealthy Traveller -1 DM Bounty Hunter, Corsair/Pirate and all Military Careers +1 DM Belter and Hunter/Guide and Scout 90% of money is given to their Planetary Development Fund Social Points represent Offworld Experience Ael Yael may not use anagathics |
Feline bipods who follow a strong honour code. They have gender specific roles in their culture.
They average 2.0 m tall and 100 kg.
Region | Aslan Hierate, Darrian Confederation, Imperium, or Solomani Confederation |
Homeworld | Any in appropriate region |
Attributes | +1 STR |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | (F) Code of Honour |
Free Skills | - |
Careers | Aslan for Hierate or Standard for other regions |
Reptilian bipods with vestigial wings who follow a rigid insect-like caste system. They range from 1 to 2 m tall, and 30 to 50 kg, depending on their caste.
Region | Aslan Hierate, Imperium, Vargr Extents, Zhodani Consulate |
Homeworld | Any Droyne world in appropriate region |
Attributes | -2 to all (Average POOR) |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | (F) Tied to Droyne Society |
Free Skills | - |
Careers | Droyne Cast System
Ignore Social Points for Droyne May choose Psionic powers instead of skills |
Tall humanoids with a warrior ethic. Their culture is completely independent of territory. They average 2.2m tall and 100kg. (JTAS#24)
Region | Dynchia Comitia, Solomani Confederation |
Homeworld | Any in appropriate region |
Attributes | - |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | - |
Free Skills | One combat skill starts at MEDIOCRE |
Careers | Standard
-1 DM Army and Aviation |
Humanoid subject race of the K'kree who gladly serve their masters as this makes them better than other races. They average 1.5m tall and 60kg. (JTAS#21)
Region | Two Thousand Worlds |
Homeworld | Kagh'kir (- 6889(5)(4) 13) |
Attributes | -1 STR, +1 AGL |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | (F) Servant to K'kree family group |
Free Skills | - |
Careers | The only Girug'kagh that travel off their homeworld are in their translator career
Social Points represent Caste Rank |
Tall lightly furred bipods. They are known for their grace, artistic ability and their emotional instability. They average 2.1m tall and 60kg. (JTAS#22)
Region | Imperium, Vargr Extents |
Homeworld | Vrirhlanz (B 657721 7) in the Vargr Extents |
Attributes | -1 STR, (Average MED) |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | - |
Free Skills | Exploration starts at MEDIOCRE |
Careers | Hlanssai must choose to follow one of two life paths.
N'tarronth (Shaping) or N'tarronchii'a (Accepting). Ignore Social Points for Hlanssai |
A human minor race with a high level of technology and a predisposition towards cooperation and tolerance. Males average 1.8m tall and 80 kg, females 1.6m and 65 kg.
Region Darrian Confederation, Imperium Homeworld One of the Confederation worlds Attributes - Automatic Gifts and Faults - Free Skills - Careers Standard (Use Darrian ranks if in Confederation Service) No Scout in Confederation
Imperial Citizen
Over 1100 years old, containing more than 11,000 worlds the Imperium has been frozen at its borders for centuries and some think that it is stagnating but it is still the greatest human empire to exist. Males average 1.8m tall and 80 kg, females 1.6m and 65 kg.
Region Imperium Homeworld Any in Imperium Attributes - Automatic Gifts and Faults - Free Skills - Careers Standard Solomani
A diverse culture with a strong desire for identity and independence. Males average 1.8m tall and 80 kg., females 1.6m and 65 kg.
Region Darrian Confederation, Imperium, Solomani Confederation Homeworld Any in appropriate region Attributes - Automatic Gifts and Faults - Free Skills - Careers Standard (plus Solomani if in the Confederation) Social Points represent Party Standing in the Confederation
Sword Worlder
Descended from Solomani refugees of Nordic stock they have a great pride in their superiority. Males average 1.8m tall and 80 kg, females 1.6m and 65 kg. (JTAS#18)
Region Imperium, Sword Worlds Homeworld One of the Sword Worlds Attributes - Automatic Gifts and Faults - Free Skills - Careers Standard (Scout is treated as Patrol Service) Zhodani
A society with fully integrated psionics. They average 2.0m tall and 90 kg.
Region Zhodani Consulate Homeworld Any in Zhodani Consulate Attributes - Automatic Gifts and Faults - Free Skills - Careers Zhodani, May choose Psionic powers instead of skills
Small amphibian bipods with a skill for bureaucracy and a strong dislike of disorder. They average 1.4m tall and 40kg. (BOTJ#3)
Region | Imperium |
Homeworld | Any in appropriate region |
Attributes | -2 STR (Average MED) |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | - |
Free Skills | Merchant starts at MEDIOCRE |
Careers | Standard
No Marines -1 DM Army and all other Military Careers (except Marines) +1 DM Bureaucrat, Lawyer, Scouts, Trader First level of Merchant taken counts as two. |
Bipedal canines who seem to change their minds often. They average 1.6m tall and 60kg.
Region | Imperium, Vargr Extents |
Homeworld | Any in appropriate region |
Attributes | -1 STR, +1 AGL |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | - |
Free Skills | - |
Careers | Standard or Vargr |
Large 'Rhino-like' race who are peace-loving. They have weak eyesight but an excellent sense of smell. They average 1.8m tall and 950kg. (BOTJ#3)
Region | Imperium |
Homeworld | Any in Imperium |
Attributes | +2 STRENGTH, +1 AGILITY (Average GOOD) |
Automatic Gifts and Faults | (G) Superior Smell
(F) Poor Eyesight (F) Peace Loving |
Free Skills | - |
Careers | Standard
No Mercenary or Military Career +1 DM Belter, Medicine, Scientist, Scout All Combat skills start at TERRIBLE |
Civilian Aircraft Pilot Athlete Barbarian Belter Bounty Hunter Bureaucrat Clergy Construction Worker or Engineer Corsair/Pirate Criminal/Rouge Diplomat |
Entertainer Hunter/Guide Irklan Journalist Law Enforcement Lawyer Mechanic Medicine Mercenary Merchant/Trader Merchant Marine Noble/Wealthy Traveller |
Prisoner Psionic Researcher Rebel Scientist Scout Starport Authority Military Army Aviation Marines Navy (Space or Wet) |
Hiver Technical Academy
Regency Psion
Technical Academy
Aircraft Pilot | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY and PERCEPTION First Term is Flight Academy or Tech School (New Era). |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Air Vehicle, Exploration, Technician |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Pilot (G) First Term only Two Military Contacts Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point after First Term |
Other Effects | - |
Athlete | |
Requirements | GREAT or better AGILITY or STRENGTH |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Athletics, Medical, Unarmed Combat |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Athletic, Business, Journalist, Medical, Entertainment, or Melee Specialist Raise STRENGTH or AGILITY by one (twice max) +1 Social Point Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Barbarian | |
A character from a low-tech tribal culture. | |
Requirements | Pre-Industrial Homeworld |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank and an extra contact R1 Labourer
Skills | Exploration, Melee Weapons, Outdoor |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One Barbarian contact (Trader if Special Adv) Second Term or later (G) Combat Senses Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Belter | |
An asteroid belt miner. | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Science, Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Operations |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Business, Criminal, Trader or Law Enforcement (G) TAS Membership 1 ship DM for a Scout Ship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | None Second Term or later make a GREAT SCIENCE roll for a strike. This gives Cr100,000x2D6, a Seeker ship, and +3 Social Points |
Other Effects | -1 Social Point per Term until a strike has been made |
Bounty Hunter | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank and an extra contact R1 Senior Hunter
Skills | Covert, Investigation, Firearms |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Criminal or Law Enforcement (G) Imperial Warrant Second Term or later (G) Combat Senses 1 ship DM for a Scout Ship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | None |
Bureaucrat | |
Requirements | FAIR or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank, +1 Social Point and an extra contact R1 Assistant Commissioner
Skills | Manipulation, Merchant, Social Skills |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) Two Government contacts Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Clergy | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | Roll 1DF, on [+] to become Priest, others are Acolytes |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Priests also gain +1 Social Points |
Skills | Manipulation, Merchant, Social Skills |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Automatic: (F) Ties to church, 90% of income given away (G) Knowledge of religion Choice: (G) One contact of any type Priest only: (G) TAS Membership Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr500 +/- Cr100 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Construction Worker or Engineer | |
Requirements | Worker: MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY or STRENGTH Engineer: and MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION Engineers First Term is Study |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Worker: Athletics, Technician, Vehicle (Choose Type) Engineer: Engineering, Science, Technician |
Special Assignment | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Engineering Specialist or Government Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point No income for First Term if Engineer |
Other Effects | - |
Corsair/Pirate | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better STRENGTH |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank and an extra contact R1 Spacehand
Skills | Firearms, Starship Engineering, Starship Ops[specialty] |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Criminal,Government, Military or Trader 3 ship DMs for a Warship Second Term or later (G) Combat Senses Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 |
Other Effects | -1 Social Point per Term Each Term roll PERCEPTION. If MEDIOCRE or less then next Term is automatically spent as a Prisoner |
Criminal/Rouge | |
Requirements | None |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank and an extra contact R1 Petty Crook
Skills | Firearms, Manipulation, Merchant |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Criminal or Law Enforcement 1 ship DM for a Scout Ship Second Term or later (G) Combat Senses Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 |
Other Effects | -1 Social Point per Term Each Term roll PERCEPTION. If MEDIOCRE or less then next Term is automatically spent as a Prisoner |
Diplomat | |
Requirements | FAIR or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank, +1 Social Point and an extra contact R1 Attache
Skills | Manipulation, Merchant, Social Skills |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) Two Government contacts (G) TAS Membership 1 ship DM for a Scout Ship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | Social Points are raised to 0 if less |
Entertainer | |
Requirements | None |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Artistic, Manipulation, Social Skills |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Roll 1DF [+] is Government [ ] or [-] is Entertainment (G) Charismatic +1 Social Point 1 ship DM for a Yacht Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point +Cr2000 if Charismatic |
Other Effects | - |
Hunter/Guide | |
Big game hunters, or guides in wilderness areas. | |
Requirements | Third Imperium or Regency setting GREAT or better AGILITY or STRENGTH |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Exploration, Firearms, Outdoor |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact of any type 2 ship DMs for a Safari Ship (Yacht table) Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Irklan | |
A reclusive, technology shunning, survival orientated culture from the Spinward Marches. (JTAS#23) | |
Requirements | GOOD or better AGILITY and WILLPOWER or Irklan and FAIR or better AGILITY and WILLPOWER |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [+] for rank and an extra contact R1 Initiate (starting rank)
Skills | Melee Weapons, Outdoor, Thrown Weapons, Unarmed Combat |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Automatic: (F) Dislike of reliance on technology (F) Requires only enough money to survive Choice: (G) One contact of any type Second Term or later (G) Combat Senses Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr500 +/- Cr100 per Social Point |
Other Effects | None |
Journalist | |
Requirements | GOOD or better PERCEPTION Study: MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Investigation, Manipulation, Social Skills |
Special Assignment |
Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) Three contacts: Criminal, Government, or Law Enforcement Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point No income First Term if study entry |
Other Effects | - |
Law Enforcement | |
Requirements | No Prison Terms and MEDIOCRE or better STRENGTH |
Commission | Roll 1DF, First Term [+], Other Terms [ ] or[+] to become O1 Detective |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Detectives also gain rank O1 Detective
Skills | Firearms, Investigation, Vehicle (Choose type) |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One Criminal and one Law Enforcement contact Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Lawyer | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION First Term is University, Second is Law School |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Investigation, Manipulation, Merchant |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Academic, Criminal or Government Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr10,000 +/- Cr2000 per Social Point after Second Term |
Other Effects | Lawyers automatically get +1 Social Point per term |
Mechanic | |
Requirements | None |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Spacecraft Engineering, Technician, Vehicle (choose type) |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Specialist in a career skill Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Medicine | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY Medical School(2 Terms): GOOD or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | Automatic if character has attended Medical School |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank and an extra contact Doctors also gain +1 Social Point R1 Orderly (Starting Rank)
Skills | Medical, Science[specialty], Social Skills |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise Doctors in their first 3 Terms do not roll instead their Medical is raised to FAIR |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One Medical contact Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | No income for first 2 Terms if at Medical School Doctors: Cr10,000 +/- Cr2000 per Social Point Others: Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | Doctors Social Points are raised to 1 if less |
Mercenary | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better STRENGTH |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Firearms, Melee Weapons, Vehicle (choose type) |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Criminal, Government, Military, Intelligence Community, or Mercenary Second Term or later (G) Combat Senses 1 ship DM (2 if Special Duty) for Trader or Warship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | Roll 2DF, on [-][-] next Term is as Prisoner |
Merchant/Trader | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | Roll 1DF, [ ]or[+] to become O1 4th Officer |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also gain rank and +1 Social Point O1 4th Officer O2 3rd Officer O3 2nd Officer O4 1st Officer O5 Captain |
Skills | Enlisted: Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Ops[specialty], Technician Officer: , Merchant, Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Ops[specialty] |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Criminal, Government, or Trader 2 ship DMs (5 if officer) for Trader Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | None |
Merchant Marine | |
Sailors on bulk cargo water vessels. | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better STRENGTH |
Commission | Roll 1DF, First Term [ ]or[+], Other Terms [+] to become an officer |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also gain +1 Social Point |
Skills | Enlisted: Exploration, Technician, Water Vehicle Officer: Exploration, Merchant, Water Vehicle |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Business, Law Enforcement or Merchant Marine Specialist Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | - |
Noble/Wealthy Traveller | |
Requirements | +3 or better Social Points |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for +1 Social Points and an extra contact |
Skills | Animals, Artistic, Social Skills |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Business or Government (G) TAS Membership 5 ship DMs for a Yacht Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr50,000 +/- Cr10,000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | None |
Prisoner | |
Requirements | Forced due to capture. One term only, then return to previous career. |
Commission | - |
Promotion | - |
Skills | Athletics, Manipulation, Unarmed Combat (Add one to career skills) |
Special Adventure | - |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) Two Criminal contacts Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | None |
Other Effects | Prisoners automatically get -1 Social Point per term |
Psionic Researcher | |
Outlawed in the Third Imperium, but controlled in the Regency. | |
Requirements | GOOD or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Medical, Science, Psionic Power (choose) |
Special Adventure | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Academic, Medical, or Psionic; Roll 1DF, on [+] contact is Zhodani Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | If in Third Imperium roll PERCEPTION each Term. If MEDIOCRE or less then next Term is spent as a Prisoner |
Rebel | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact |
Skills | Covert, Firearms, Melee Weapons |
Special Mission | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Criminal or Law Enforcement Second Term or later (G) Combat Senses 1 ship DM for a Warship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | Each Term roll PERCEPTION. If MEDIOCRE or less then next Term is automatically spent as a Prisoner |
Scientist | |
Requirements | Technician: FAIR or better PERCEPTION Study: GOOD or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | Third Term or later: Roll 1DF, [+] to become a Doctor Study gives an automatic commission in Second Term |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Doctors also gain rank and +1 Social Point O1 Doctor
Skills | Technician: Domestic, Science[specialty], Technician Doctor: Investigation, Science[specialty], Social Skills |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Government or Scientist 1 ship DM (3 for Doctors) for a Labship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point No income for First Term if studying |
Other Effects | Doctors Social Points are raised to 0 if less |
Scout | |
Requirements | GOOD or better PERCEPTION or STRENGTH |
Commission | Roll 1DF, First Term [ ]or[+], Other Terms [+] to become O1 Team Leader |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also gain rank and +1 Social Point O1 Team Leader
Skills | Enlisted: Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Ops[specialty], Technician Officer: Science[specialty], Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Ops[specialty] |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Government, Military, or Trader 1 ship DM (3 if officer) for Scout Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | None |
Starport Authority | |
Taking care of the running of the starport facilities.(JTAS#19&21) | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | Roll 1DF, [+]to become O1 Portmaster |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also receive rank O1 Supervisor O2 Dockmaster O3 General Manager O4 Port Director O5 SPA Executive Director |
Skills | Merchant, Technician, Social Skills |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact of any type 1 Year Starport Bar Chit Officer: (G) TAS Membership Officer: 2 ship DMs for a Yacht Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point |
Other Effects | None |
University | |
Requirements | MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | - |
Promotion | PHD only: Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank and an extra contact O1 Doctor
Skills | Artistic, Computer, Engineering, Merchant, Science[specialty], Social Skills (Choose at least two as the career skills) |
Special Adventure/Duty | Professor only: Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Auto: First Term (G) Undergraduate Degree Second Term (G) Masters Third Term (G) PHD Choice: (G) One contact: Academic or Journalist Second or later Term (G) One contact: Government (G) Language (choose) PHD only: 1 ship DM for a Lab Ship |
Income per Term | PHD: Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point Others: None |
Other Effects | - |
Army | |
Requirements | Enlisted: MEDIOCRE or better STRENGTH Military Academy: MEDIOCRE or better STRENGTH and PERCEPTION |
Commission | Roll 1DF, First Term [ ]or[+], Other Terms [+] to become O1 Lieutenant Military Academy gives automatic commission |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also gain rank and +1 Social Point O1 Lieutenant
Skills | Enlisted: Firearms, Heavy Weapons, Melee Weapons Officer: Firearms, Heavy Weapons, Tactics |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One Military contact (G) Combat Senses Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point No income for First Term if Academy attended |
Other Effects | Officers Social Points are raised to -1 if less |
Aviation | |
Requirements | Standard: FAIR or better AGILITY or STRENGTH Flight Academy: MEDIOCRE or better PERCEPTION and AGILITY |
Commission | Roll 1DF, [+] to become O1 Pilot Officer. Flight Academy gives an Automatic Commission. |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also gain rank and +1 Social Point O1 Pilot Officer
Skills | Enlisted: Firearms, Technician, Vehicle (choose) Officer: Air Vehicle, Science [Specialty], Tactics |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One Military contact Flight Academy only (G) Two Military Contacts Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point No income for First Term if Academy attended |
Other Effects | Officers Social Points are raised to 0 if less |
Marines | |
Requirements | Standard: FAIR or better AGILITY Naval Academy: MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY or PERCEPTION |
Commission | Roll 1DF, First Term [ ]or[+], Other Terms [+] to become O1 Lieutenant. Naval Academy gives an Automatic Commission. |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also gain rank and +1 Social Point O1 Lieutenant
Skills | Enlisted: Firearms, Melee Weapons, Unarmed Combat Officer: Firearms, Melee Weapons, Tactics |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One Military contact (G) Combat Senses (G) TAS Membership 1 ship DM for Trader or Warship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point No income for First Term if Naval Academy attended |
Other Effects | Officers Social Points are raised to -1 if less |
Navy (Space or Wet) | |
Requirements | Standard: FAIR or better PERCEPTION Flight Academy(Space): MEDIOCRE or better AGILITY and PERCEPTION Military Academy(Wet): MEDIOCRE or better STRENGTH and PERCEPTION |
Commission | Roll 1DF, First Term [ ]or[+], Other Terms [+] to become O1 Ensign. Flight or Military Academy gives an Automatic Commission. |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for an extra contact Officers also gain rank and +1 Social Point O1 Ensign
Skills | Enlisted: Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Ops[specialty], Technician Officer: Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Ops[specialty], Tactics |
Special Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One Military contact (Two if at Academy) (G) TAS Membership 2 ship DMs (5 if officer) for Scout, Trader or Warship Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 +/- Cr1000 per Social Point No income for First Term if Academy attended |
Other Effects | Officers Social Points are raised to +1 if less |
Hiver Technical Academy | |
Hiver established institutions to help recovery from the collapse. | |
Requirements | New Era setting and FAIR or better PERCEPTION |
Commission | - |
Promotion | - |
Skills | Engineering, Science[specialty], Spacecraft Engineering, Spacecraft Ops[specialty], Technician (Choose at least three of these skills) |
Special Adventure/Duty | - |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Hiver Specialist in one of the chosen skills |
Income per Term | - |
Other Effects | - |
Regency Psion | |
Requirements | Regency Setting and FAIR or better WILLPOWER |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [ ] or [+] for rank and an extra contact R1 Novice (starting rank)
Skills | Choose 3 Psionic Powers to be the career skills |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) Two contacts: Academic, Intelligence Community, Government, or Psionic Specialist Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr2,500 +/- Cr500 per Social Point |
Other Effects | None |
Technical School | |
Institution for rapidly teaching people after the collapse. | |
Requirements | New Era setting |
Commission | - |
Promotion | - |
Skills | Computer, Medical, Merchant, Spacecraft Engineering, Technician, Vehicle (Choose Type) (Choose at least two of these skills) |
Special Adventure/Duty | - |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact: Specialist in one of the chosen skills |
Income per Term | None |
Other Effects | - |
N'tarronth | |
Hlanssai who reject things-as-they-are and seek to shape reality to their own will. | |
Requirements | Hlanssai |
Commission | - |
Promotion | - |
Skills | Medical, Technician, Vehicle (Choose Type) |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact of any type Roll 1DF, on [-] gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 |
Other Effects | - |
N'tarrochii'a | |
Hlanssai who take a passive accepting view of life. | |
Requirements | Hlanssai |
Commission | - |
Promotion | - |
Skills | Exploration, Outdoor, Social Skills |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One contact of any type Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | Cr5,000 |
Other Effects | - |
Girug'kagh Translator | |
Will be part of either a diplomatic or merchant party. | |
Requirements | Girug'kagh |
Commission | - |
Promotion | Roll 1DF, [+] for extra contact and +1 Social Point |
Skills | Domestic, Merchant, Social Skills |
Special Adventure/Duty | Roll 1DF, [+] for an extra skill raise |
Gifts and Faults | Choice: (G) One K'kree contact of any type Roll 1DF, [-] to gain a fault |
Income per Term | None. All needs are supplied by the K'kree family group |
Other Effects | - |