The various Phudge Deadlands character sheets available are:
The Deadlands Traits map to the Phudge Attributes as shown below.
Agility | Deftness, Nimbleness, Quickness |
Strength | Strength |
Health | Vigor |
Perception | Cognition, Knowledge, Smarts |
Willpower | Mien, Spirit |
Draw 6 cards as normal for Deadlands, discard 1 (except a 2 or Joker) and use the table below to interpret the rest and assign values to the 5 Phudge Attributes. Then draw another six cards and note if any of them is a Joker (to maintain the same chance of a Mysterious Past).
Suit | 2 | 3 to 8 | 9 to Jack | Queen, King | Ace | Joker |
Spade ♠ or Heart ♥ | Mediocre | Fair | Good | Great | Superb | Superb (mysterious past) |
Diamond ♦ or Club ♣ | Poor | Mediocre | Fair | Good | Great |
Use the standard Phudge Damage Track except that the number of Scratch boxes a character has depends on the characters Deadlands Wind rating. Scratches represent Wind at a ratio of one Scratch for every three wind, instead of having a Wind total.
Use the table below to determine the number of scratches a character has.
Average Health/Willpower | Lower than Fair | Fair | Fair to Good Good | Good to Great | Great Great to Superb | Superb |
Scratches | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Skills (Aptitudes) have no connection to any Trait and most default to Poor, except for Hexes, Miracles and Rituals which have no default.
Skills used to be chosen using my Phudge variation of the Five Point Fudge character creation system but are now chosen as for the Phudge basic character creation.
Select one of the Skill Groups below to be your Primary Group. Skills in this group may be raised as high as Superb.
Select a second Skill Group as your Secondary Group. Skills in this group may be raised as high as Good.
All other skills may only be raised as high as Fair.
Add 25 levels to whichever Skills or Powers you want, observing the limits above. The first level makes a Skill or Power Mediocre.
Groups have no effect once play begins.
Skills marked with * are available in more than one group.
Skills followed by [ Concentration1, Concentration2 ] require an area of that skill to be chosen as the main area of the characters skill, all other areas are automatically one level lower.
Additional Concentrations may be raised to the main level at a cost of one level each.
(e.g. Taking Shootin':[ Pistol ] at Good means all other Shootin' concentrations are automatically at Fair).
Fightin' SkillsArtillery: [ Cannons, Gatling Guns, Rockets ]
Outdoor SkillsAnimal Handlin': [ Bronco Bustin', Dog Training ]
People Skills*Bluff
Professional and City SkillsArea Knowledge: Choose a Town
Sneaky Skills*Bluff
Blessed Skills(Requires the Edge - Arcane Background: Blessed)Faith (required) *Guts Professional: Theology - Each Miracle is a Skill -
Huckster Skills(Requires the Edge - Arcane Background: Huckster)(Tricks from Hucksters & Hexes may be bought for one level) *Academia: Occult (required) *Gamblin' *Guts - Each Hex is a Skill -
Mad Scientist Skills(Requires the Edge - Arcane Background: Mad Scientist)
Shaman Skills(A Shaman requires the Edge - Arcane Background: Shaman. A Warrior does not require the Edge but may not take this group as Primary or Secondary)
Buy these using the Deadlands rules.
Below are some of the modified effects for Edges and Hindrances - the modifier conversion rules should cover a good chunk of the Edges and Hindrances though.
This Edge will work in the same way as the Phudge Gift Lucky.
Deadlands is a trademark of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
(This page uses style sheets and the Deadlands Font to make it look purty.)